Philosophy Optional
For UPSC/UPPCS yellow-shape

  • Recorded as well as interactive “Live” classes
  • Comprehensive coverage of the entire syllabus
  • Designed with a new approach to Philosophy
  • Live doubt clearing sessions

Recorded Video Course & Live doubt
Clearing Sessions


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One to One Interaction
With Sweety Ma’am

Course program:

All course 41 Video Lectures
( 21:19:37 hours)


This is a program that has been designed with an all new approach to philosophy for civil services . With a very lucid approach the content is all comprehensive and includes not only the basic content but also best excerpts from the available reference books. This approach makes it suitable for aspirants who are beginners in the subject and aspire to acquire a good grip for maximising marks in the optional paper. Surely! the course will intrigue the philosopher in you and appreciate this beautiful subject. .

  • Jainism

    What you'll learn

    Syadavada , the linchpin of jainism is a beautiful concept that still holds relevance till date . The basic crux of it is that no one perspective is absolute or real but a summation of all perspectives is the only reality . Dive in to explore the wisdom which holds gravity even today. Explained in layman terms special emphasis has been given on keyterms and core concepts .

    3 Video Lectures (2:19:37 Hours)

  • Buddhism

    What you'll learn

    Pratutyasamutapada the corebof this philosophy though sounds like a jargon but is a simple circular causation theory which says ‘this being that arises ‘ . It is from this that the other concepts of Kshanikvada and Anityavada arise .

    6 Video Lectures (03:09:20 Hours)

  • Samakhya

    What you'll learn

    This philosophy is all about the conjugation of two independent realities ‘purusha’ and ‘prakriti’. Why do they conjugate ? What takes birth when they conjugate? How does creation happen? The lesson deals with answering all these questions and much more..

    5 Video Lectures (03:36:00 Hours)

  • Yoga philosophy

    What you'll learn

    Yoga is not simply performing some mundane asanas but the perfect union of body mind and soul so that out energies align with that of the universe and we attain out highest consciousness. But there are many obstacles to the same .. let us explore how to overcome the them and achieve the highest knowledge!

    5 Video Lectures (02:26:14 Hours)

  • Nyaya philosophy

    What you'll learn

    This philosophy is core epistemology as to how to attain knowledge through different means . These are 1. Perception 2. Inference 3. Comparison 4. Testimony .. let us see what these mediums behold along with their flaws . Though a word heavy philosophy but will nevertheless amaze you with its depth and intricacy.

    5 Video Lectures (02:04:17 Hours)

  • Vaisesika

    What you'll learn

    This gives the metaphysical infrastructure for nyaya philosophy and lists out in total 7 realities known as padartha or categories . Along with this there is in depth criticism by Buddha of one of its realities called the ‘Samanya’ .

    6 Video Lectures (03:03:58 Hours)

  • Carvaka

    What you'll learn

    The very reason indian philosophy is not called dogmatic is because of this great philosopher who had the guts to profess his philosophy of ‘materialism’ in an era which spoke all about metaphysical speculation and transcendental world

    4 Video Lectures (02:04:32 Hours)

  • Aurobindo

    What you'll learn

    Integral yoga is the core philosophy of Aurobindo . Through this he beautifully explains the different aspects of integral yoga and what each of it entails . A very short and interesting philosophy which holds significance even today.

    2 Video Lectures (01:02:05 Hours)

  • Vedanta

    What you'll learn

    The fountainhead of indian philosophy. A contrast has been drawn between Shankaracharya and Ramanuja with respect to their philosophies of strict monism and qualified monism respectively . Advaitavada as propounded by Shankaracharya simply means a single absolute reality called ‘Brahma’ and the same has been challenged by Ramanuja through qualified monism or Vishishta Advaitavada.

    5 Video Lectures (02:48:58 Hours)

  • You'll get:

    We Provide Faculties:

Philosophy Optional Syllabus for UPSC

    Paper - I

  • History and Problems of Philosophy:

    • Plato and Aristotle: Ideas; Substance; Form and Matter; Causation; Actuality and Potentiality.
    • Rationalism (Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz): Cartesian Method and Certain Knowledge; Substance; God; Mind-Body Dualism; Determinism and Freedom.
    • Empiricism (Locke, Berkeley, Hume): Theory of Knowledge; Substance and Qualities; Self and God; Scepticism.
    • Kant: Possibility of Synthetic a priori Judgments; Space and Time; Categories; Ideas of Reason; Antinomies; Critique of Proofs for the Existence of God
    • Hegel: Dialectical Method; Absolute Idealism
    • Moore, Russell and Early Wittgenstein: Defence of Commonsense; Refutation of Idealism; Logical Atomism; Logical Constructions; Incomplete Symbols; Picture Theory of Meaning; Saying and Showing.
    • Logical Positivism: Verification Theory of Meaning; Rejection of Metaphysics; Linguistic Theory of Necessary Propositions.
    • Later Wittgenstein: Meaning and Use; Language-games; Critique of Private Language.
    • Phenomenology (Husserl):  Method; Theory of Essences; Avoidance of Psychologism.
    • Existentialism (Kierkegaard, Sartre, Heidegger): Existence and Essence; Choice, Responsibility and Authentic Existence; Being-in-the –world and Temporality.
    • Quine and Strawson: Critique of Empiricism; Theory of Basic Particulars and Persons.
    • Carvaka: Theory of Knowledge; Rejection of Transcendent Entities.
    • Jainism: Theory of Reality; Saptabhanginaya; Bondage and Liberation.
    • Schools of Buddhism: Prat Ityasamutpada; Ksanikavada, Nairatmyavada.
    • Nyaya- Vaiesesika: Theory of Categories; Theory of Appearance; Theory of Pramana; Self, Liberation; God; Proofs for the Existence of God; Theory of Causation; Atomistic Theory of Creation.
    • Samkhya: Prakrti; Purusa; Causation; Liberation
    • Yoga: Citta; Cittavrtti; Klesas; Samadhi; Kaivalya.
    • Mimāmsā: Theory of Knowledge
    • Schools of Vedanta : Brahman; Isvara; Atman; Jiva; Jagat; Maya; Avida; Adhyasa; Moksa; Aprthaksiddhi;  Pancavidhabheda.
    • Aurobindo: Evolution, Involution; Integral Yoga.

    Paper - II

    • Socio-Political Philosophy

    • Social and Political Ideals: Equality, Justice, Liberty.
    • Sovereignty: Austin, Bodin, Laski, Kautilya.
    • Individual and State: Rights; Duties and Accountability
    • Forms of Government: Monarchy; Theocracy and Democracy.
    • Hegel: Dialectical Method; Absolute Idealism
    • Political Ideologies: Anarchism; Marxism and Socialism
    • Humanism; Secularism; Multiculturalism.
    • Crime and Punishment: Corruption, Mass Violence, Genocide, Capital Punishment.
    • Development and Social Progress.
    • Gender Discrimination: Female Foeticide, Land and Property Rights; Empowernment.
    • Caste Discrimination: Gandhi and Ambedkar 
    • Philosophy of Religion:

    • Notions of God: Attributes; Relation to Man and the World. (Indian and Western).
    • Proofs for the Existence of God and their Critique (Indian and Western).
    • Problem of Evil.
    • Soul: Immortality; Rebirth and Liberation.
    • Reason, Revelation and Faith.
    • Religious Experience: Nature and Object (Indian and Western).
    • Religion without God.
    • Religion and Morality.
    • Development and Social Progress.
    • Religious Pluralism and the Problem of Absolute Truth.
    • Nature of Religious Language: Analogical and Symbolic; Cognitivist and Non- cognitive.

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